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For too long rich neighborhoods have been able to use their influence to prevent doing their part in building the housing our City needs like when Nob Hill was able to stop just 10 new units of housing. Families that have lived in San Francisco for generations are being pushed out by the obscene rise in housing costs while a corrupt and broken City Hall favors those who can pay-to-play through permit expediters. If we are going to have a San Francisco that works for the many and not the few, we need more housing now.

Trevor’s plan:

➔ Fully execute the 2022 Housing Element, especially the 41,000 units of affordable housing required, ensuring well-resourced West Side neighborhoods build their fair share.

➔ Eliminate fees for all 100% affordable housing.

➔ Fully enforce Neighborhood Preference so affordable housing is built in the same area as market rate housing to fight gentrification and ensure long-time neighborhood residents are not priced out.

➔ Enact Parallel Review of both the planning and permitting processes.

➔ Finally move our DPW, DBI, and Planning permitting system fully online and get rid of our current system that enables pay-to-play corruption through opaque processes.

➔ End bureaucratic backlog by automatically triggering 3rd Party Plan Check Reviewers when backlog grows beyond 1 month.

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Pagado por Trevor Chandler para Supervisor 2024. FPPC ID #1459563. Financial disclosures are available at

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